Monday, 10 February 2020

Outbreak of Hostilities 8 December 1941

Finally got round to finding some time to start my Buffaloes over Singapore campaign today. 

The first mission saw Air HQ order Katipo Squadron to commence combat air patrols over Singapore in at least section strength in case of any surprise enemy raids on the island in support of the landings in Northern Malaya:

 The CO, Squadron Leader Mulholland, lead Red Section off for the first patrol early on the morning of 8th December 1941. While climbing to altitude they were bounced without warning by an IJN A6M2 Zero Shōtai (flight) from the 22nd Air Flotilla which was over Singapore to escort a C5M Babs recce plane which was attempting to determine if Force Z had sailed from Singapore naval base.

In a brief but violent dogfight over the island witnessed by many onlookers no less than 5 aircraft were shot down. The Squadron suffered heavily in its combat debut, losing all three Buffalo's to the attacking Zeros (It didn't help that all three Japanese pilots I rolled up were veterans!!).

Two of the Kiwi pilots managed to "hit the silk" successfully, but the CO was shot down and killed after his aircraft was damaged again, having survived the initial pass from directly astern by the Japanese fighters. Though not before managing to sucessfully manuvere onto the tail of one of the Zeros and shoot it down.

Lucky shot of the day was from Pilot Officer Wilson on his first operational flight. Before surcoming to the one surviving Zero as he attempted to break off Wilson managed to hit and destroy a second Zero. He hit it with one long burst using a full deflection shot as it passed in front of him (I rolled two 6's in a row, by far the best rolls for any of the Katipo pilots in the whole fight).    

After such a costly start further patrols were suspended for the day as no further enemy air activity was detected over the island. 


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